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Social Media Marketing for your Enterprise: Getting Started

So let's assume the decision to do Social Media Marketing is already made for you. Phew, that was easy! :) Now they'd like you to post adverts and start getting new customers. Before placing any adverts, try and understand what your existing customers are doing on social networks. There are plenty of social listening tools out there that are free of charge or with 30 day trials. Once you get an idea of what your customers are doing and what they respond to, try and sit down with your content team and come up with a few message tests.


I cannot emphasise this enough! Testing is the way forward. Let data be your gut instinct. Do a few quick lean experiments to find out what kind of ad, logo, message your prospects respond to. Don't spend too many $$$, but just do a few low fidelity tests. This would give you an idea on how you should approach social media advertising and also if you're not a hands on pro, this would also help you understand these tools better.

Once you get the hang of the tools and once you complete your test phase, try and understand how your brand is perceived, especially in markets other than your home markets. Because people might start responding to your social ads a lot more in your home market (if you have a good brand presence) but might not respond too well in foreign markets. If this is the case, you need to do some brand building.

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